Toyota GL

Toyota GL
After five years, I inherited the Datsun 100A when my wife bought a new Toyota GL in 1980. It has air conditioning! The GL was one of the best models produced by Toyota and she was very pleased with it for a while. There were two drivers; but we then had 3 cars! When we got ready to move into our new house in Pujut I was required to sell one car.

The Austin Healey Sprite was sold reluctantly because all the kids loved riding in it! It was my trade mark, going to the golf course against the peak hour traffic with a pipe in my mouth and my golf set sticking out on purpose on the small back seat for all to see. It really killed them going in the opposite direction to work in Lutong. Ibrahim Ahmad had an MGB with spoke wheels but he doesn't play golf. I believe that he lived on a boat in Labuan after he retired from Shell.


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